Gil Dor
Gil Dor has been my musical collaborator for the past 30 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!) years! he is amazing, no less. The way he plays, writes, arranges, composes, accompanies me…it’s all sublime. But above all, the way he thinks, and his ability to support, educate, enlighten and assist without judgment, with maximum care and friendship, is nothing less than miraculous. I feel so lucky to have crossed paths, and entwined fates, with so extraordinary a human as he is Gil Dor’s Bio
Ofer Pesenzon
Ofer has been my manager for well over 28 years! Gil, Ofer and myself operate like a family unit. Ofer may seem tough but he’s not….he has a lot of responsibility and has to deal with all the muck and slime of the industry, but deep down, he’s a really sweet and sensitive guy, with a big heart. And he’s a great manager!

Gadi Seri
Gadi joined our band when we were making "Genes and Jeans". We wanted an authentic Yemenite percussionist/drummer who was versatile enough to fit into the wide range of musical styles our music embraces. We got much more than we ever dreamed of! Gadi, who has now been playing with us for 12 wonderful years, is eclectic, groovy, fascinating and super intelligent, he's a great producer, teacher and entrepreneur, and a wonderful, warm, deep and often hilarious human being. How lucky we are! Gadi Seri's Bio

Or Lubianiker
Or , in Hebrew, means light! And that is exactly what Or Lubianiker generates when he plays. He's an extraordinary and multi-faceted bass player , a wiz with computers , creative, unique and an absolutely lovely human being. Pure Joy on stage and off! Or Lubianiker's Bio

Gai Joffe
Gai is Israel’s number one studio engineer, he has made almost all my albums from the first day of my career! He is soooo amazing. He has infinite patience, golden ears and a heart to match. He can work for hours on end , not noticing the time pass, drinking endless cups of coffee with four spoons of sugar (!!!) , perfecting the balance or the sound… its incredible. And he’s a man of the sea, sailing is his great passion. Gai is such a wonderful human being, I am so lucky!

Shay Even
Shai is such a brilliant technician he blows us away. He reads our minds, he’s fast as lightning, accurate and thorough, sensitive and deep. Shai is a rare talent, and we are so grateful to have the opportunity of working with him.

Mya Marshall
Mya Marshall is our super – woman!! Long distance production manager, great tour manager, smart, sharp, efficient, sweet, quirky and lovable!! 🙂

Itzik Fried
Can anybody guess how old this man that resembles Brad Pitt is?? you can’t! 🙂 because he is ageless. His incredible smile and good energy keep him forever young. Itzik has been working with us from day one, he is an extraordinary sound engineer, all heart and ears and generosity of spirit. Itzik will always be there for you, he is so witty and creative, he’s fun to be with and he always puts a smile on my face. I love him so much.

Paolo Vilares
Paolo Vilares has ben going on the road with us for years now. He is a wonderful sound engineer, manages all our sound needs, he’s reliable, responsible and super professional. But he’s much more than that; actually, he’s a great musician, guitarist and singer too! If Gil and I ever feel a bit out of sorts, Paolo can replace us easily 🙂 There’s no problem Paolo can’t solve, with his eternal “I’m on it”… patient, calm and kind-hearted, Paolo a real gift. Obrigada Paolo!

Gur Ziv
Gur is quite a character. He is a visual designer, animator, lighting and video artist, entertainment business entrepreneur ,sailor and aquarium builder (to name a few). But above all he is fiercely individual, wildly talented, and unique in every way, with an insatiable appetite for life. The stage comes alive under his fingers.

Emilia Galindo
Emilia is my great friend/fan/advisor/computer fiend/photographer/archivist/Spanish-Catalan translator, coach and Angel. She is one of the most incredible people i have ever met. Gracias Emi!!!

Ronen Akerman
Ronen Akerman has been my close friend for 30 years. He is an AMAZING photographer and an even more amazing human being. We have been through so much together, and every year I love and admire him more. Ronen is responsible for most of the gorgeous photos of me you see on this site. He makes me look much more beautiful than I am, because he photographs my soul, not my body. And behind his lens, I see clearly into his own beautiful soul. Thank You Ronen.

Eli Katz
Gil and I met Eli , a brilliant algorithm specialist, through a mutual friend, during our stint as high-tech entrepreneurs. Our start up never got off the ground , but we did get Eli as a wonderful team member, who puts his prodigious talents in the fields of computer sciences, social media, photography and editing, at our service generously and profusely. Thanks Eli!

Michel Braunstein
Michel does it all: translation, computers, advisory board, tech support, and underwater photography! Michel helps me with all things digital and visual, including website, social media, photography and live broadcasts!(this photo was taken during and underwater photo shoot he convinced me to do, which produced the lovely art for Love Medicine!) He does it all with love, talent, patience and generosity that are boundless. Michel has been my close friend for more than 30 years I consider him one of the great gifts life has given me. Besides, he is a Dolphin…and we all know, there’s nothing better 🙂