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Noa’s Press Quotes
“Noa crafts songs so impossibly perfect you wonder if they didn’t fall from the sky like some rare Israeli rainstorm” Marion S. Jacobson...

Noa’s Concert in Lanzarote Review
A beautiful review was published in the Lanzarote Newspaper on April 4th, 2017, about Noa’s concert at that place. Pay attention also at...

Noa in the Münchner-Merkur Newspaper, Munich, Germany
Dear friends, yesterday our German agent Gaby Eckhardt sent us a review we got after our show in Munich that took place a few dyas ago....

Noa at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto – CJN Newspaper
Here’s a nice article published in the Canadian Jewish News prior to Noa’s concert in Toronto’s Royal Conservatory. Article publiched on...

Noa in the Japanese “Tokyo Shimbun” Newspaper – Apr. 2016
A big article on Noa was published on April 7th, 2016 in the Japanese Newspaper “Tokyo Shimbun” Evening Edition, after her concert in New...

Noa in La Sicilia Newspaper – Apr. 2016
See below a nice article on Noa published on April 3rd, 2016 in the Sicilian newspaper “La Sicilia” just before two concerts in Catania,...

Noa in Conversation at the University of Catania, Italy
Before the two amazing concert early April 2016 in Catania, Sicily, together with the philharmonic, Noa has participated to an...

Noa Interviewed by New Israel Fund in a Podcast
Noa was interviewed this last week in a Podcast by the New Israel Fund. The interview can be listened here: Link to the original...

Noa in the Press in Andorra
The following articles were published in Andorra, around Noa’s concert in October 2015 Noasmusic #Andorra #Spain

Noa with the Israeli Opera – Article in Ynet Culture
This article on the concert to which Noa was invited by the Israeli Opera, in Jerusalem, on July 27th, 2015, was published by Ynet...

Noa in the Press in Granada, Spain
After Noa’s concert in Granada, Spain, last July 7th, the two major local newspapers published amazingly nice reviews from the event. Noa...

Noa in La Vanguardia – Spain
Noa in La Vanguardia newspaper, in Spain for the launching of her new album Love Medicine. Video can be see on the page article here. ...

Noa in “El Pais” Spain
Noa was recently interviewed by the largest newspaper in Spain “El Pais”. The article was published on January 17th, 2015 here Below, the...

Noa in the Press in Spain – Jan. 2015
Many interviews of Noa have been realized in January while she was in Spain for the launching of latest album “Love Medicine”. Here are...

Noa in Jazz Magazine Italy
This “Love Medicine” new album promotion interview of Noa was published on January 14th, 2015 in the Italian “Jazz” magazine. Noa’s...

Noa in “20 Minutos” in Spain
During the Love Medicine tour in Spain, Noa was interviewed by the newspaper “20 Minutos” in Barcelona. Noa talked about her latest album...

Noa in The Times of Israel
After having published a new blog named “The children, the pain and the piano…”, Noa was approached by The Times of Israel to have her...

Noa in Shalom Magazine, Italy
The Italian magazine Shalom has published a two pages article on Noa and her new album “Love Medicine”. #Italy

Noa in La Stampa, Italy
Today, Sept. 21st 2014, the Italian newspaper has published an article on Noa with title: “Noa between a soar throat and boycotts”. Below...

Noa in Clarin Newspaper – Argentina
A long and nice interview of Noa was published (in Spanish) in the large Argentinian newspaper: “Clarin“. The interview was realized...
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