Mar 14, 2019

Mars - Invention Number 6 - Letters to Bach - Lyrics

Updated: Jan 9, 2021

Lyrics- Achinoam Nini (Noa)

Music: Johan Sebastian Bach

What shall I do to save the world from itself?

Oh ,this traffic is hell, it would help me to bore you, and what’s more you will adore it…

There’s sunlight, she’s a generator,

Free for all, gotta learn to tame her!

Faze those rays on sunny days in ways you and I can do to make the best of what we’ve got...

What do you say?

I say, why not good people?

Now that we’ve got the sunlight packed we are free to address all the mess in the air,

Up there smog and filth our ozone layer choking!

But hey pal, why succumb to oldness?

Don’t pay pal, in an age of boldness?

Try something you know is better for all,

Beautiful ,no noise ,turns heads, so smart, so chic so best!

No fuel, no mess, the LA and TES together. :)

Now listen, you’re missin’ the most important story…

How long can we carry on here crammin’ in on a small piece of land all of us,

Every woman and man and the fuss,

And the mountains of filth and the wars,

And the rich turnin’ backs slammin’ doors,

And the rest getting angry and poor,

No siree, this is not gonna last very long,

I worry , and it’s not very often I’m wrong,

Lets hurry, make a plan! I am sure that we can for the future of man you and I understand time is not our friend so I suggest we’d best get on it..!

Darkness is falling, raise your eyes into the night !

What a beautiful sight.

That moon of millions of love songs,

We’ve been trying to reach for so very long...

There are endless stars, I have a thing for Mars,

Let’s take our dreams and cars far as they’ll go!

I don’t believe in NO….

If your dream is as big as your heart and you’re bold and you’re ready to start, come join me!
